Churches are amazing. The right ones are beneficial for the growth of a believer but the wrong one can cause you to lose your soul. Pray about your church home.
If you feel like you are being spiritually beaten down, take it to the Lord. I want to tell you that there is wickedness in the church pews. The devil has made a home in the church house. This is why it is important for you to take everything to him in prayer. There are downright devils in the church and they are there to destroy your walk with the Lord and to destroy your faith. Without faith, you can not please God so be very very careful who you let speak into your life. They are wolves in sheep's clothing that care nothing about your soul and judgment will fall soon and is already falling on these people. You have heard about Pastors falling down dead. People need to repent before it is too late. Don't mess with his little ones or God will mess with you. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Lord.
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