Demons and the Darkside of Prayer

Do you ever wonder why some days are so peaceful and other days you just have a hard time of it?  You feel like there is something going on behind the scenes that you don't quite understand.  Yesterday was like that for me.  I did all the things that I normally do.  I woke up and said my prayers.  I spent time in the word, but I just didn't feel the greatest.  I just felt like crying and crying and just felt so down in the dumps.  Today I pulled out a few more spiritual weapons and decided I was not doing that again.  Things come our way for a reason.  We are being trained for some heavy stuff.  The end time is no joke.  The devils are real and the war is on.  I have seen them and sometimes when I wake up I feel them.  If you think you won't deal with them because you are a Christian then think again.  They look for every opportunity to come to you and cause you to have a bad day.  If you are looking for some fire in your prayer to throw back at the devil then you need to check out my post on getting the Holy Spirit here.  If you are not saved then please look at my salvation post.  This preaching message that I watched today was so good I just had to share it.  So many people are under attack and they don't even know it and some people don't even know how important their prayers are for your family and your friends because they are under attack too.  Daniel 9 is important to read when you are learning about prayer.  You need to know that the enemy will try to stop your prayers from getting through and there are actual demons that are trying to ruin your life whenever they get the chance.  Here is a message to encourage you and bless your life.  This message is called "Getting Through The Enemy Lines With Prayer."  This preaching message is from Tony Evans and it surely blessed my soul and I hope it does yours too.   The praying hand's picture is from my Bible Journaling.  I thought it would go well with this message.  I have a picture in my home with these praying hands on them and that is where I got the idea for this picture.  I had an idea today for a picture but I am a newbie to this art stuff and I usually need something to look at or a tutorial in order to draw something.  Someone else might want to draw it.  As I was thinking about all this spiritual war stuff I could see a baby cub.  The cub was so small and had big ugly and scary demons all around it, but when it opened up its mouth to roar, it destroyed all those demons in its path.  Funny how God would use a little cub to lure those stinking demons in for the kill thinking it was easy prey.  Bye, Bye demons.
