A Deeper Dive

Get More From Your Prayer Time

Our Prayer Life is so Important.  Without feeling we are getting something out of it we are tempted to give up.  Maybe you or someone you know gave religion a try and you gave up for this exact reason.  Maybe you just felt like it wasn't for you.  You had 
no connection, you felt no change.  Maybe you had addictions that still had ahold of you and you felt no peace.  Give me a chance to
explain my experience to you.  This post will give you a glimpse of what I went through.
                                                                                                                                                         There is a place in the Father that you can enter into that will bring you into a greater power and a closer experience with him.  Some call it the Holiest of Holies.  Remember Moses and the glory upon his face because he spent so much time there.  When we enter, we find healing, a place where we get revelation, strength, and power, and often we hear his voice.   Praying in the Holy Spirit may be new to some.  It is a prayer language that will allow you into this place of one-on-one connection.  If you have never had this gift then please watch this video and receive it today.  If you have never been saved then please watch this as well.  
For those who are in deep need of spiritual healing like I was, don't be surprised if you spend a lot of time in this place with him.  He will pull you in almost like a Father does a child when they have been hurting for a while.  How he longs to take you in his arms and make the pain go away.
You will find that the way you feel when you touch him is very life changing and you will find yourself wanting more and more.  There were many encounters where I believe the Father was just establishing a strong connection with his child.  When a child has strong ties with their Father they do what is right because of the Love that they have for him.  Tell the Father you want to go out in the deep.  You want to experience more of his power and anointing, more of his presence.   My life as a believer has not been perfect and often I wonder why I had to go through so many terrible things.  I guess he likes to build his army strong.  We are not forged in the quiet times but in the fire and turmoil.  If you are in the middle of it just keep pushing through and he will bring you forth pure as gold.  I know those of you who went through the worst hell here on earth he will use you in the greatest and most powerful ways.   

I would also like to share a great video about the name you need to be baptized in which is very important.  Please watch the video below about the correct name and let me say  if you can't find someone to help you get saved in this fashion.  Baptize yourself and your family as well.  Pray about all things to confirm it.
