Sirens blaring!

 I had just started enjoying my quiet time of art at my table when all the sudden sirens are blaring from somewhere outside.  Since it was storming, I assumed the siren meant a tornado.  I sat their kind of annoyed that my art time was being disturbed, and not wanting to move because of the peace I felt.  I continued to paint for a while, and then I thought, I better go outside and check it out. I didn't see anything unusual except a normal storm.  It reminded me of our savior sleeping through a storm and his disciples yelling save us, save us.  Right now I was feeling assurance that all was okay.  If I had not prayed earlier in that day at extensive lengths maybe I wouldn't have had the peace I felt.  It is incredible to think of it, but we are having so many different things going on around us.  There are spiritual storms in peoples lives that we are not always attuned to.  The Neighbor across the street might have a terminal illness and is in a lot of pain daily.  For her, her storm is raging and it might be what was needed to get her to completely surrender to God.  It is possible to have peace in it all though.  While some appear to be in hurricanes with everything being ripped away, every talent ripped away, every pleasure gives way to suffering, every dream of a normal life gone, the girl next door is experiencing joy after the new birth of her baby.  New milestones and happy days and yet still around the corner a woman is being abused and tormented, feeling trapped and abandoned and wanting to end it all.  The only thing we can know for sure is that the storms always come.  Will you be prepared for yours.   Whatever the storm might be!  Do you have an anchor for your storm?  Do you have peace when it's all around you?  The storms will increase now more and more.  If you don't know what time it is and where we are in the end time then you should ask Father to show you. I am waiting on the Father to show me to, some people say it will be in the middle of the tribulation and that is when the rapture occurs and some say it will be at the end when the seventh trumpet happens and then God will pour out his wrath.  If the latter is true we will have more time to win souls for Christ but if the first one is true then we need to be prepared sooner.  Some also say there will be more than one catching away as well.  Many people that I come across have no clue what the Bible says about the tribulation.  I am going to leave that up to you to pray about.  Here are some scriptures about the mark of the beast for you to look over and here as well.  Talk about storms, this will be the storm of all storms.  People will go crazy because of what is coming upon the earth.   You will either be found faithful or you will give up.  First and foremost, if you don't know the Bible and you aren't his child,   then you will take the mark of the beast.  The Bible says that if your name is not written in the lamb's book of life, you will take that mark.  I think if you are his, you will have his peace, you will have his confidence to walk through it, with the holy spirit there with you.  Check out this video and you will get a better picture of what we will go through.  The fruits of being full of the holy spirit are peace.  Spend time with God and let him replace all your fears and anxiety.   His word is life and spirit and he says come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden.  2 Thess. 3:3 says he will guard us against evil.  Does that mean that we might not die for Christ?  I say no to that, but he will protect us while we are doing his will and when it comes time for us to go home in whatever way he chooses then we will be able to walk through it. It is all over the book of Revelation that we will walk through some things but we have prayer and his word and the armor of God.  Revelation 20:4 says plain as day that we will be here when they behead people for being a Christian.   There are many scriptures that completely demolish the lie that we won't go through things. Here are a few!   Look at the apostles,  do we think we are greater than them?  Well,  the Bible says we will do greater things than them, check it out,, but I think they did their share of suffering for our Savior's sake.  Isaiah 41:10 says that God will be with you and will help you.  Psalm 46 says God is our refuge and strength and he will be with us in the tribulation just as he was with Noah in the ark.  Remember in childbirth there is only one way to bring that joy into the world and woman endure it over and over for the blessing of a child.  How much greater joy will heaven be.  My Bible Art is due to a youtuber called Scribbling Grace.  Mine doesn't look as great as her's but my paintbrush was a bigger size.  I tried a few different styles because I love those feathers.  Check out her video here,  She posted a lovely looking feather tutorial.  I was painting feathers when the sirens went off.  I will post my picture under the blog post and sorry I haven't posted in a while but I have been babysitting my grandbaby again and busy with my daughter.  Please keep her in your prayers, she is battling some pretty severe sicknesses.  God Bless.

