Praising for Miracle

Yah is so, so good to his children.  I want to tell you that I said a prayer about losing weight and he came through for me.  I told him that I would give him all the glory for it because I know he is the reason for the change.  When I asked him last night what to blog about I never thought that I would be writing about this so soon.  I measured my waist about 3 or 4 days ago.  Today I measured it again and there was a 9-inch difference.  I went to my doctor not long ago and I was very discouraged when I got on the scale.  As you get older you know how hard it can be with your whacky hormones and all that.  While I was talking to her I mentioned the military diet.  I hadn't thought of that in a long time but when I mentioned it to her I realized that I did lose a lot of weight on it one time before, but not the whole 10 pounds, because I was having a hard time following it completely.   The diet is very bland and you can't have creamer in your coffee and you aren't supposed to have any mayonnaise or butter or anything that makes your food taste yummy.  Well, that is a serious problem for me because I find in my older age I like yummy food.  A little too much some times, especially when it comes to donuts and these super yummy muffins that my husband brings home.  I know he is just trying to show he cares but they are so hard to stay away from when you are trying to lose weight.  He left two out on the table today and they are just staring at me when I walk by.  I hate that.   It is almost as bad as when I was quitting smoking and I would go into the gas station and all I could see were those stupid cigarette signs with their ads on them that taunt me when I would go in there.  I never even pay attention to them now, but it seemed like they were so big then and everywhere.  The temptation is real folks no matter what your addiction.  I had to give up my coffee for a few days but I know I can give it up again.   I hardly ever take a nap but I had multiple naps and got some extra sleep.  I usually just push through no matter how hard it is.  Even when I haven't had any sleep.  I think mothers get that because we know how to do that when we have little ones.  Mothers sacrifice sleep to take care of their babies.  We just slug down some caffeine and keep ongoing.  I think this was affecting my health and my waistline.  If you need to lose some weight let me suggest prayer and the military diet. You know only Yah our Father can give you victory through anything.  So please include him in your battles.  He is a good Father and he longs for us to ask for his help.  I was put on Metformin for insulin resistance but I am taking that to prayer as well because I think if I stick to this diet I won't need it.  Take everything to pray though and ask for advice.  Almost all medicine has terrible side effects.  I noticed when I was on that one that my fingers and my toes were tingling.  I went off of it for a period of time and it all stopped.  I don't know what it was doing inside of my body but it wasn't normal.  In case you don't know what the military diet is I will include a link here for you.  I exercise sometimes a couple hours a day depending on what is going on but I wasn't really losing weight, I was just maintaining it.  Course all those donuts and carbs didn't help.  I would suggest exercise as well and my doctor recommended the fitpal app.  If you do this diet you don't really need to count your calories which I think is a great big pain having to record everything you eat.  With this diet, the calories are already calculated as long as you stick with it and exercise you will lose weight unless you have something wrong with you.  If you don't lose weight and you follow this diet I would suggest you see your doctor because your body is probably messed up and you should get your hormones and your insulin and all of that tested.  Hope this helps you and have a blessed day.
