He will supply for his children.

   I woke up this morning to such a glorious day.  I came into the living room to take my usual spot in front of our electric fireplace, with my habitual cup of morning joe.  While I am making my coffee, I see the birds that my husband feeds almost daily.  As these birds are feasting away, my mind is brought back to a time, when I was pregnant for my son.  This was over twenty years ago mind you.  My relationship with our heavenly Father was pretty new back then.  I was on a search for change in my life at that time, and crying out to him often.   I had left my comfort zone and in one state to move back to Indiana where I grew up.  In the move, we had to find new jobs and a new home and a new start.  We had family members, that allowed us to stay with them while we got it all straightened out.  I suppose the instability of it all was causing me distress at the time.   I remember waking up and going outside of my relative's house and seeing the birds.  It was a bitterly cold day outside, but I remember these birds caught my eye.  It was so cold out and I began to conversate with Father about the weather and asking, how do these birds stay warm?  All the sudden, I see the birds congregating on top of a roof across the street, huddling around the heat that was coming from the vent on the top of the house.  Just like this morning, while watching those birds, what stood out to me was the fact that Yah was taking care of them.  These birds don't work and toil and they don't worry and stress about the things they are in need of, but our Father takes care of them Luke 12:23-30.   I guess I needed to be reminded of this fact this morning.  I recently quit my job to stay at home with my daughter, who has had a lot of health problems.  She has good days, and she has bad days, but once again I have to learn to depend a little less on myself and a lot more on Yahuwah.  Instead of working more hours to get what I need or relying on my own will to see things through, I have to totally rely on our Father.  I know these areas are so good for me spiritually because they teach me so much.  I grow much more than I normally would, and my trust and faith soars in leaps and bounds.  If Yah calls you to walk by faith and do something new, just do it.  Pray about it and make sure it is of him.  If it is, then just do it, takes the leap of faith.  You won't regret it.  It's is not on the mountain top where you learn the most and develop the character needed to become more like him, but it is in the valley. where you are praying more, and searching for answers more, and depending on him for all your needs.  Your faith will rise beyond your doubts.  We need this kind of faith right now people.  We need a kind of relationship with our father that is unmovable and unshakeable.  We need to be able to say without a shadow of a doubt that we have him in our life, and that he is in control, I will trust him.  We are in the end times and like those little birds, I am not going to worry about what is around the bend.  I am going to pray and know that my Father will supply every need according to his riches in glory.  My friend told me that she used to pray for money to get back and forth to church because she was in a terrible relationship where her husband would not give her money for food and gas and stuff.  She learned to just pray for what she needed, she would find money laying on the ground to buy gas.  This precious friend used to come and get me for church and drive out of her way to pick me up, even though she was having to pray for gas money to be able to drive her car.  What a true friend and soul winner.  Just like our Elohim supplied her need in those crazy circumstances, I know he will supply for us.  I remember thinking about what she told me one day, and I thought to myself, I am going to try this praying to find money on the ground.  I did just that!  I am not sure now what I needed money for at that particular time, but I prayed for it.   I was walking in my neighborhood a short time later, and I looked down on the ground, and low and behold, there was money laying on the ground right after I had prayed for it.  How sweet?  I had such a desire to write this morning about those birds.  They surely inspired me.  I just prayed a few days ago about our Father giving me a desire to do the things I love again.  I just haven't had the desire to do much.  I pray for hours and hours because I just feel like crap.  I could go more into detail but I would save that for later.  Let's just say that the latest changes have been hard on me.  Being in a house day in and day out has been difficult, but I am determined that I will be here for my daughter.  I went through a terrible time of depression myself and attempted suicide.  This happened all before my relationship with Yah and before I called out to him to save me.  It was one of the worse things I have ever gone through.  My daughter has had not only severe depression but migraines and lots of other stuff she is facing.  She doesn't want to come out of her room a lot of the time so, I feel so helpless and wondering if I am helping at all.  I just pray and read my bible a lot and have developed some new coping mechanisms to help me through it all.  I know this is her trial but being her mother I want to walk with her through it, and somehow maybe she will see our Father through me on the other side helping her.  It is so hard seeing your children suffer and being so helpless.  Always doubting your decisions and always wondering if you're being any help at all.   I think most of the time if you are showing love to someone who is hurting, you are helping.  I need to just kill my own self-will and my own self-reliance and just learn to conversate more with the Father and ask him for direction and provision.  We all need to do more of this as we begin to see more and more destruction come.  We know we are in the end times and if you don't know that, you should call out and ask Yahuwah if it is not so.  You will need him more than you can ever imagine.  Please call on him today, and make him your Savior of your life and please follow me on this blog. If you don't know how to be saved then check out my salvation post as well.   I care so much for people, more than you can ever imagine, but I have a problem sharing things sometimes about my life because of things I am walking through right now.  I prayed the other day for our Father to help me with this blog.  I prayed he would restore my desire to write again. I just haven't had the desire to do some of the things I like to do. I know that this morning was him helping me because all the sudden I wanted to write.  I know that things are going to get really bad soon, and I want to tell you to please call on him, and ask him if you are in an area that is safe.  Ask him to supply for you the things that you need.  If he tells you to leave, then please do so immediately.  He will supply your every need.  He is waiting for you to ask him to help you.  See you in the next post and bless you all.
