Another Warning

I have been waking up super early a lot lately.  Yahuah wakes me up a lot to spend time with him and sometimes he is not pleasant about it.  He is trying to save you and there isn't much time.  Sometimes he even gives me pain when I won't wake up and sometimes my smoke alarm goes off.  I know it is the Father that does this.  He does care.  If you have ever prayed in the morning and this incredible weeping comes over you, it could be that you are experiencing the heart of the Father.  He weeps over the lost.  Scary stuff this morning though.  Years ago I had a frightening dream about a nuclear explosion.  I haven't thought about it in a long time and I hadn't really gotten a strong confirmation on it until maybe this morning.  I downloaded an app. that puts things I have saved on my computer and puts them onto my phone.  I had a prophecy on there that spoke of an EMP.  I checked on my computer and couldn't find this prophecy on there but it was downloaded onto my phone.   The scary part was that it prophecied that it would happen over Indiana/Illinois.  This made me stop and take notice because I live in Indiana and in my dream, I opened my front door and saw a mushroom cloud.  It has been quite a long time since I had this dream and so I thought maybe it could mean Fukashima because I know we are getting fallout from that thing for sure.  Byron says that this prophecy is sure but maybe it can be stalled.  Our Father is incredibly unhappy with this Nation over abortion. We need to repent for our country like never before.  I used to be a lot better at fasting than I am right now.  I am getting older and it is just not as easy as it used to be but I am praying about it.  Fasting has to be done with wisdom because if you aren't led by the Holy Spirit you can wear yourself out and make yourself sick.  This is especially not good if you are on the battlefield and you are in need of strength for another battle headed your way and you can't fight it because you have just fasted for something stupid that you shouldn't be fasting for.  So, take your fasting to prayer and let the Father lead you and tell you how and when to fast.  Please take this all to prayer before the Lord.  I feel something is about to happen.  Please pray with your families and ask what you need to do.  If an EMP will hit, you will need to be prepared for your family.  I have heard others' prophecy that there is going to be a bad winter this year as well.  It wouldn't be good if the EMP happens during one of our worse winters ever.  Pray Pray and Pray.  Love you all and be blessed.
