Let him be your peace.


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One of my new hobbies that I have recently started spending more and more time doing is Bible journaling.  This is not only taking notes in your Bible but also adding artwork of various forms into the pages of your text.  This can be in the form of paintings or stickers or stamps or other types of art.  I choose to use colored pencils most of the time because I can draw completely over the text and you can still see the word through the artwork.  This is an amazing stress reliever to me.  Puts your mind on scriptures and art and off of your problems.  There are tons of videos online that can give you inspiration and ideas.  I want to share a recent picture that I did and the woman who put the video tutorial out to teach me how to draw this lovely gem.  I love these artists that are willing to take the time to make these videos and share their talents with others.  They are special to me!  Anyhow, the scripture I chose to put this beautiful angel with was Psalms 32:7.  Basically, it is saying that when you are in danger, he will give you peace and surround you with his protection and songs of deliverance.  This made me think of a guardian angel and another scripture in Psalms 34:7.  If you are looking for a stress reliever, this works for me as well as singing songs of praise.  The word says that Yahuah inhabits the praises of his people in Psalms 22:3.  When you begin to praise him, you begin to feel his presence and this causes you to draw close to him and pray more.  It not only brings peace into your home but for peace into your spirit.  Cast your burdens and cares upon him because he cares about you.  Give him your sorrows and your worries and he will give you peace. The tutorial is

