What's the truth!

It looks like winter is finally here, now that it is almost time for spring.  Hope you all have been bundled up and doing productive things this winter.  Today, I learned how to make a candle in an emergency out of water, a little bit of oil on top of the water, some aluminum foil and a piece of toilet paper.    It actually worked.  I have been wanting to start a Survival/Prepper Blog.  I really don't do much prepping right now but I think it is good to know just in case.  I am interested in learning how to survive, how to build a shelter, and how to eat stuff in the wild to keep alive.  I think if people know you have a stockpile and bad goes to worse, your house is going to be the first one to get stolen from of course.  People get crazy when they are trying to survive for sure.  Besides researching prepping stuff I have been just trying to stay awake today.  I decided to not drink coffee because I am so addicted to the stuff that it is not funny.  I almost went back to sleep two or three times, but I forced myself to stay awake.  I don't know why they don't put caffeine in that hot chocolate.  I did drink hot tea too which does have some caffeine but not like coffee does.  Maybe tomorrow I will just try the hot cocoa.  Then I suppose I will have to give up sugar.  That is another problem of mine.  Sugar is like crack.  Well, so is coffee I think, but that is my opinion.  Anyhow, enough about all of that.  I really wanted to blog today about something I have been praying about.  Maybe you all can tell me what your opinion is on this subject.  I was a Pentecostal for 20 some years.  I have been filled with the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and had been baptized in Jesus name.  Recently it has been revealed to me that there were NO J's in the 1611 KJV.  This has caused a big problem in what I have been taught.  I have been doing a lot of studying lately and I want to share what I have come to find so that you can do your own research, and pray about it, and come to your own conclusions.  It is important that you get baptized in the correct name and Jesus obviously wasn't the name used when the apostles were baptizing people.  Here is a good video that you can check out about it.  You should also study about Willaim Tyndale as well who was burned at the stake for trying to make a Bible that went against the beliefs of King James.  I feel really dumb that I didn't even know who this man was.  Here is a great video about the Geneva Bible which is the Bible that Tyndale wrote.  Be Blessed!
