Today was a wonderful day after all. I started my day as I normally do with prayer but I began to get kind of bummed. As I was praying for stuff in my life I began to think about all the things that were still wrong. I began to get down in the dumps and had to refocus. I wonder how many people do this when they pray. I began to tell myself to just take my eyes off the storm and keep my eyes upon the Father. My storm would be all my problems. I know that the Lord doesn't always answer things right away but sometimes I begin to think that the Lord doesn't care for me because I have been stuck in the same rut. If he cared for me then why wouldn't things change? Anyhow, after all of that mess I decided in my mind that I was not going to have a bad day. I started praying for the Lord to help me do some things around the house. I ended up planting my garden since the weather was so great and mowing the yard and soaking up some sunshine. It ended up being a pretty good day but it could have been a bad one. A perfect example of how important it is to keep spiritually minded. I just began to thank God for all the great things in my life today like that fact that the sun was shining and I got a new puppy. Those are pretty good things. Then I thanked him that I got to plant my garden and that I was able to get some stuff done. I also was reminded of the lesson in the Bible about sowing good seed. I remembered that story and I seem to always remember it when I am doing yard work. You know what I think, some of the seed might not make it and all of that but the more seed I plant the better the yield. I am going to plant the crap out of my garden and watch it grow. The moral of this blog post is if you get down in the dumps just refocus and begin to be thankful for all the things that are going right and all the blessings that you have and just be patient on the rest. Put your focus on the rainbows and sparkles and not the dark clouds and lightning. The story of the seed sown on good ground is here.
God Bless.
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