Stuff about the Antichrist

The Bible says that let no one deceive you in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.  It says that the rapture will not happen unless a falling away occurs and the man of sin sits in the temple claiming to be God.  Well, the temple isn't built yet and the antichrist hasn't fulfilled this prophecy so how can people claim that the rapture could be any day. I urge you to read the Mideast Beast from Joel Richardson to get more information about what the Bible says about this man of sin. Joel claims that the people who attacked and burnt Jerusalem were Roman legions that were stationed in Syria.  By 70 AD nearly the whole entire army was dominated by provincials from the Mideast.  Daniel 9:26 says that the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.  Most people think this says that the antichrist will come from Roman descent.  Most think that General Titus gave the orders to destroy Jerusalem but Joel's book claims that it was actually the eastern auxiliary soldiers who set the fire in their zeal to kill Jews.  I don't want to give everything away in this book because hopefully you will buy it and read it for yourself.  I have read it three or four times.  It is packed full of information about the antichrist and the book of Daniel.  It correlates the statue of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2 with the four beasts that come out of the sea in Danel 7 and where the antichrist comes from according to these prophecies.  It talks a lot about Antiochus and how he relates to the Antichrist and how the Antichrist will come from the same Seleucid-Ptolemaic Region which would be the region of the Islamic Caliphate.  Daniel 11 reveals the Antichrist to hail from the region of Turkey, Syria, and Iraq (the Seleucid Empire).
