
As I was reading my new Thrive Journaling Bible this morning, a prayer that had been inserted by the editor hit a note with me.  She said salvation is a gift to you but how you live your life is our gift to the Father.  That was something to chew on of course, but also later in the passage, it says we are not called to survive but to thrive.  Wow!  That had the wheels turning.  Have you ever had those periods in your life where things are good, bills are paid, people are nice, everything is peaceful and then you hit a year or two where things seem to take a turn and well you don't seem like your thriving.  This made me think of Job and Joseph and also David when he was being hunted down by Saul because of his jealousy.  I must say yes, I think they did thrive even though I am sure they must have had moments of feeling the pressure, but for the most part, they came through on the other side better for wear.  Joseph was thrown in prison, and for some of the time, he appeared to not be so successful, but the Father was with him and prospered him eventually in all his circumstances.  Job never cursed God through his trial, even though it appears he had a period of depression but who wouldn't.  They eventually all came out on the other side with there relationship to the Father intact and even if they did fall down or mess up, we all know the Father is a forgiving God.  Remember the prodigal and Yah's mercy.  How he does celebrate when we return to Him and He loves those who encourage those who find themselves far away from God to return to the safety of the Father.  Return to the sheepfold and don't delay.  This world is filled with more demons than ever before. My heart weeps for so-called prophets who are constantly trying to fill their pockets with the money of those who have fallen down.  They encourage just enough to draw you in so they can condemn you and spiritually beat you down and then try to get you to give up everything for your redemption.  Don't get me wrong there is a time when the Father does require this but there are men who make a living preying on peoples mistakes.  I remember a lesson that was taught me about those who are learning how to walk spiritually.  They fall down a lot at first and must be picked up gently as a child.  Be careful who you listen to these days and if you aren't sure who you should listen too, then you should just pray and wait for the Father to lead you.  He will never lead you astray.  I am reminded of the book of Revelation when I am facing a difficult time and remember that those who endure shall be saved.  We have to endure some things.  Some times we have to endure poverty, sickness, abuse, ridicule, rejection, loneliness, the death of family and friends.  Just make your mind up that your trial is going to make you better and you can make it.   I have found that when I am in the fire over and over, the only way to survive is to call on God like your life depended on it.  Pray like you breathe in and out and keep your focus on him at all times even when we mess up because that builds humility.  The humility that we are not God.  He doesn't have his flesh suit on anymore.  We are human and we get tired and worn out with cares and life.  We get sad and down because sometimes it is just too much. I am not too perfect to admit, I cry a lot because guess what, I have feelings.  I care about what happens to people and I care about how it all turns out.  Well if you are going through the trial of your life then read the stories about Job and Joseph and David.  Good examples to read over and over again

