Attacked in sleep!

I had to make this post about what has been going on lately.  Some pretty strange stuff.  So, last night I woke up because I kept hearing strange sounds in my house.  My water heater makes some pretty strange noises all the time which I am used to, but last night was stranger than normal.  My dogs were taking over my bed.  I have two dogs and sometimes I have to get up and move them around to get enough room to sleep.  Anyhow, I moved them over and lay back down but turned over on my other side and all the sudden I had a huge pain under my left breast.  It was like a charlie horse but in the deepest part of my breast.  This was a pain so intense I couldn't move.  I began to pray and after a while, it began to subside.  Now, I have been shown things in the dead of night when everyone is asleep.  If you want to know when the devil does most of his dirty work, it is when no one is praying and is sound asleep in their beds.  One night I woke up and I looked up to see pure blackness rolling in everywhere and I knew in my spirit that they were dark spirits.  I have been praying spiritual warfare prayers for a while now and I felt like the Lord spoke to me through a fellow sister that once you start stepping on the enemies toes he will start to fight back and so you can not let up.  Well, recently I have been battling some upper respiratory stuff and I started a new medicine that makes me sick if I don't eat with it.  So during the day yesterday, I thought I would skimp on some of my prayers and go to bed early.  I have been trying to pray before bed but I get so tired when it is bedtime that I almost can't stay awake.  This may have contributed to everything I don't know but I wanted to tell you all to say your prayers at night.  I have been praying about this and I hope we are not getting ready to be attacked.  Something else happened that I won't go into right now while I was walking my dog. Just please pray for your families and your communities before you go to bed.  If you aren't saved then please get saved before it is too late.  This is the only thing I have to share right now.  I have just been enjoying my Saturday by spending a lot of time with God.  I read more of the word then I have read in a long time.  Just gathering my strength!  I hope you all use the Sabbath to do the same.  Here is a good post about getting your rest not only for your health but to be strong in the spirit.  These videos are for people who might be going through spiritual warfare right now.

Teaching on Spiritual Warfare by Glenda Lomax
How To Prepare For Spiritual Battle by Glenda Lomax!
Spiritual Warfare. An Introduction! Part 1 of 20!
