Dangers of Sexual Sins

I came across a girls channel today about fasting and so I shared it on facebook because I thought it was very encouraging.  I subscribed to her channel after posting that video and began to check out some of her other videos.  The video I came across took a lot of courage for her to post.  With so many people being addicted to porn and all sorts of ungodliness I felt I should post this to my blog. Just like this young girl, people don't understand what happens when you have sex with an unsaved person who may have addictions.  This is not just unsaved people either because sexual sins are in the churches as well.  I have heard terrible horror stories of demons that are passed from ungodly sex.  These demons can become violent and take over your life.  Beware of what you watch on the internet, and learn from this young lady about having sex with ungodly people.  Not only are demons passed through sexual sins but 1 Corinthians 6:18-19 says that this sin is against your own body.  Many sicknesses can come upon you from sexual sins.  Not only spirits of lust can be passed but also spirits of infirmities or whatever this person has within them.  1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 says plainly to stay away from fornication.  If you are a truly godly person and you care about your future.  I would be very careful who you marry and who you have any relations with at all.  1 Corinthians 6:9 states that fornication and adultery are not excepted.  If you are involved in these sins you need to repent immediately and if you are not saved then please see my posts on salvation as well.  The most powerful weapon that you can use against this sin would be repentance.  Just call out to God first of all and confess that you made a mistake and he will help you and come to your rescue.  Ask him to send you people and information that will help you.  Here is the video about spiritual husbands and the dangers of fornication.
