Prayer Warriors!


Yesterday I came across someone who posted a word from the Father about how when war breaks out that the woman and children were going to be taken captive by the enemy and sold into slavery.  This is something the definitely needs to be prayed over.  I must tell you I did have a dream a long time ago where people were sleeping on what looked like big pieces of plywood boards as beds.  It has been a long time ago since I had that dream but I would definitely seek God and ask some questions.  Let me tell you what came to my mind after I saw this post.  What came to my mind was the story in Nehemiah 4. You can read it for yourself but basically, this is a story of how Nehemiah who was a lowly cupbearer to the King and was given favor to go and rebuild the wall at Jerusalem.  They supplied all his needs for the wall but when they got there and began to build, they started to have problems with people from the surrounding areas.  The enemy threatened to fight Nehemiah and the people who were working on the wall. To solve the problem, some people stood guard, while others worked and some held a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other.   While working on the wall, they had to learn how to do God's work and be on guard against the enemy at the same time.  This has come to play in my life as well.  I used to just get up and pray for my hour or whatever and be on with my day.  Now the enemy attacks me more and more and I find myself praying for a couple hours and then doing some work that I need to do and then praying for a couple more hours and doing some more work.  When my grandbaby is here I sometimes need to pray while I am doing my daily activities.  I have certain prayers I pray every day, like praying for God to watch over my family and my town, city, state, and country, and I have a prayer list that I have almost memorized.  The prayer list is full of scripture that I pray every day.  I would suggest this to everyone.  First of all, it reminds you of God's promises and helps you remember them and it also is good to have prayers and his word deep in your heart just in case you are put into a situation where you don't have a Bible or anything available.   Often, when I wake up, I feel so sick and I know that it is the enemy because I can pray through it.  He has attacked my daughter with severe migraines and throwing up for hours at a time.  The enemy has put it all into full force but I know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am praying against his wickedness and his evil attacks and his nastiness.  You all should be praying against these chemtrails and the planes that pour these chemicals on people.  Here are some great videos to help use some of your weapons.  I use the saviors Hebrew name when I say my prayers but you can take all that to prayer and find out what the Father wants YOU to do for yourself.
A Praying Woman!
Spiritual Warfare-Casting Down Strongholds!

