Scriptures and Bible Art

I am sharing some Bible Art that I did a while back.  Today I had a pretty busy day with the grandbaby but I wanted to make a post before I went to bed.  My family bought me a Tyndale Bible and I absolutely love the commentary in it.  Today something really touched me when I began to read the Bible.  The scripture that the commentary is on will be from Matthew 10:28.  It says "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul.  Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell." The commentary basically says not to fear what will happen to you if you take a stand for the Lord.  Even death can't keep you from eternal life because we are God's.  Live free of fear and fully committed to sharing his message of hope with a world that has no hope.  Because we are his, he puts his light inside of us so that others can find him.  Sharing him is a sacrifice that comes with a cost but we will gain so much more.  Choose to trust knowing that he has us underneath his wing.  Don't ever be afraid of what will happen to you if you live for Christ.  Even if you die for the sake of the Kingdom, your legacy of faith and eternal rewards won't ever be taken away.  It's not what we live for but what we are willing to die for that will leave a faith mark on the hearts of everyone that watches us live for Christ alone.
