Everyone has a story

Image result for joseph in the well

I am sure most have heard the story of Joseph in the Bible by now.  This is one of the favorite stories to meditate on if you are going through rough times.  First, it makes you realize that a believers life is not always a bed of roses.  It shows the making of a great and powerful man before Yah.  Maybe greatness requires more testing and more purifying of the character to be a great leader.  We all know what he went through by those closest to him and how heartbroken he must have been to be hurt by those he loved.  He kept his dignity and didn't give up on God through all the trials he went through.  If you are unaware of his story or would like to hear it again you can listen to it here.  What I want to focus your attention on today was not Joseph but on Simeon.  Simeon was the second born son of Jacob and Leah.  Simeon was one of the brothers who sold his brother into slavery.  He was the one who actually suggested it.  Simeon was also the brother who along with Levi slew the people of Shechem in order to avenge the rape of their sister Dinah.  Here is that story if you have never heard it.  Today I read Simeon's perspective about his envy toward his brother and how it led to him making the wrong decisions toward him. Here is The Testament of Simeon (The Spirit of Envy).  This is a wonderful study on how the little sins often lead us to the bigger and more costly sins on down the road if not properly repented of and dealt with.  I am the type of person that tries really hard to overlook people that do me wrong and overlook faults over and over and over.  I don't say anything sometimes and just let it go.  Often things have not really been dealt with but just fester under the surface.  I have learned through therapy that getting things out in the open can do wonders for your physical health and your mental health as well.  Sometimes we not only need to repent of bad feeling towards others even if we feel justified to them because of being hurt but it is helpful to let our feeling be made known and get them out in the open.  Get them off of your chest and confront others if you need to in a constructive way to resolve your feelings of anger and hurt.  I hope these stories help you in your walk in some way.  Blessings Lisa
