Second Revelation of St. John

This Book is found in the Apocrypha.  If you haven't read it yet you might want to give it a try and pray about it.  I have been reading a lot of these books lately and found out that a lot of them were actually in the Geneva Bible or the 1611 KJV or both.  They have a lot of missing information in them.  Well, this one sure had a big missing puzzle piece and that's the names of the two witnesses.  I am not going to spill the beans because I want you to read it for yourself.  This post is going to be kind of short because I just got out of the hospital and have been watching my grandbaby again so I want to try to get to bed at a decent hour.  Here is the link to the book I am referring too and I am including a Bible Art Picture at the bottom of the post as well as a link to the tutorial about this picture. This is just a cute little picture that me and my grandbaby painted together.  That is one of the fun things we like to do when she comes over.  Maybe some of you would be inspired to try it with your own kids or grandbaby. The tutorial is on how to draw the bunny and the rest we just kind of made up.   I hope you all have a great day and a great rest of your week.  Blessing Lisa.
