The Ascension Of Isaiah

This photo is from Pixabay.

If you haven't checked out the Parable Of The Vineyard Channel or The Christian Truthers Channel on Youtube then you are missing out.  They have some amazing teaching videos and if you are like me and you are always searching for something good for your soul then you will not be disappointed.  I have just been sharing their videos with a little commentary because, to be honest, I am humbled by these teachings.  I have been a Christian for a long time but just recently the Father took me into another level with what I have been learning from the missing books of the Bible.  Whether you choose to believe if they should be in the canon is totally between you and the Holy Spirit but to me, it seems like so many missing puzzle pieces are to be found here.  This study on Isaiah will not be found in your Bible but I love how they always mention how it connects to our Canon.  This channel digs deep and helps you want to challenge yourself to search things out.  I also want to say how fitting this Book is for our time right now as persecution is beginning to ramp up and we see a stunning example of how we give our God praise not only in our life and how we choose his ways but also in our death.  I was at a church service recently and the pastor basically asked who was ready to give their life for him.  Maybe he meant to serve him the rest of your life but I kept thinking it meant to actually lay down your life for him.  He asked people to come forward and everything.  I was kind of taken off guard.  I didn't go forward because I wanted to pray more, ask God if I was ready.  I could have been super spiritual and ran forward without a thought because I had it all together but I didn't.  God told Isaiah beforehand that he would give his life for him.  I wonder what his first reaction was to this.  I have been really searching my heart about not only this book but that service.  Prepare my heart Oh God.  The Bride makes herself ready to meet her God.  I hope that will be your prayer as well because I want to have the confidence to stand before him and confidence to endure till the end.  Here is the Ascension Of Isaiah and here is a song that I felt fit this story very well.  Many Blessings
