Someone watching me

A few days ago I had an unusual experience.  I was in the back yard with my grandbaby playing.  It was extremely overcast on that particular day.  I was relaxing in a lawn chair while she played on our swingset, gazing up looking at the clouds.  Crazy as it may sound I see two eye holes and it looks like someone staring at me.  I kept thinking of a YouTuber that I watch that has a prophecy channel who was speaking about a huge angel that was hidden by the clouds.  I wondered if that was what I was seeing? This isn't the first time I have seen strange things so I am used to it but it always kind of takes me by surprise because I don't see stuff every day and I never know when it is going to occur.  One time I thought I saw an angel as big as a skyscraper standing over my backyard and one time I thought I saw an angel standing across the street from my house but not as big as the skyscraper one.  I don't always tell people because they would probably think I am making it up.  I want you to know this much.  God watches over his people and his people pray for your area and he spares certain areas because of his people.  If you don't believe me then read the story of Abraham and how he interceded for Sodom and God said if you can find 10 righteous people he would spare them.  Wow, he is pretty merciful if you ask me.  Who would want an area to survive if there is not at least 10 righteous people in it?   You know their wickedness would surely spread like wildfire.  You can read the story here.  Also, remember Jonah as well who told Ninevah to repent of there evil deeds and the whole place was spared. Here is the story of Jonah.  God is a righteous judge.  Just call out to him and let him fight for you and make you his, even if you feel too dirty, even if you feel too far gone.  He knows how to clean you up.  I want to say that sometimes we don't even know why we do the things we do when we are without him.  We do things subconsciously and we don't understand why, because we need healing and we need deliverance.  I know this first hand.  Things happened to me when I was young that affected me as well.  They had deep roots in my confidence and in my actions but I couldn't quite understand it all.  Sometimes we don't know what is wrong with us and why we turn out the way we do until God reveals it to us.  For instance, I know someone who was involved in an abusive relationship and there was all of this bad stuff going on in her life.  God showed her that there was a curse of abuse over her life because of a person who was abusive in her family line.  That spirit had been passed down and was now in operation in her life.  The enemy uses so many things to destroy us and destroy our testimony for him.  He wants us to lose our effectiveness to win souls and be a light for him.  Me personally, I struggle with many things but I have conquered much.  The Father is on my side so I know I will be victorious.  The Bible art I am posting is a butterfly to remind you that even though you might feel like a caterpillar, God will one day transform you into a beautiful butterfly so be patient and remember this promise. We are changed from glory to glory and you can read that for yourself here.
