The Book of Isaiah and Jeremiah

The Book of Isaiah reminds me of the Book of Jeremiah because of the way the people had strayed away from Yah.  They were involved in idolatry of many kinds, and it seems had just lost their way because of the influence of the foreigners around them.  Yah says in Isaiah 1:28 that rebels and sinners will be completely destroyed, and those who desert him will be completely consumed.  It says in Isaiah 4:13 that his people will go into exile far away because they do not know him.  What happened to the days when he brought them out with a mighty hand from their enemies?  How could they forget when he sent frogs and gnats into the oppressor's camp?  He brought them out with great signs and wonders?  What happened to the stories of Yah parting the sea, and destroying those who kept them in bondage?  How soon they forgot him and left him for gods that were no gods at all.  In both of these stories, what stood out to me the most was, the fact that people were just doing their own thing, and carrying on with their everyday lives.  They didn't pay any attention to the prophets, or consequences.  The Father tried to warn them over and over and over again, but to no avail.  Soon the Assyrian army would invade,  just like Nebuchadnezzar.  But what does it mean to know Yah?  I once thought I knew him pretty well.   I was going to church on a regular basis, paying my tithes, praying and reading my Bible, and such.  I found out that I didn't know him quite as much as I thought I did.  He had to sit me by myself and teach me a few things that I needed to know.  Things that I couldn't get in most other places, especially not in most churches.  Pastors are taught someone else's doctrine, and it usually isn't the Fathers.  That is the devil's game, to begin with, he knows the Bible, and he will give you just a little bit, to make it look like it is everything you need.  There is more to be found in the Word!  Like the fact that, in the book of Acts, people were getting baptized, getting filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. The next time they tell you about John 3:16, tell them what about Acts 2:38?   Jerusalem had been affected by the culture, and customs of the day.  These customs from other countries had stolen their relationship with the Father.  This is going on in our culture today.  Even our Bibles have been changed for crying out loud.  They have replaced the Father's name with nothing more than titles.  I guess that is why they Baptize in titles because no one can figure out his true name.  The devil made sure to get his eraser out and get rid of any residue of it, except in the book of Psalms.  They even took whole entire books out, that have important information that you need to know.  Everyone celebrates pagan festivals that have nothing to do with the Father but won't have anything to do with the Sabbath, or the set apart days that are special to him.  These Sabbaths and Feast Days help in passing down true faith, and a special heritage to your children, instead of dressing up like a witch to get candy.  Ask, ask, ask!  Don't let your pride be your guide, because it will lead you astray.  We all love our pastors and think that none of them would lead us down the wrong road.  I think that most of them are trying to do what they are supposed to.  I thought I had it all straight until I was told differently.  Our culture and customs have done the same in our day, as in Isaiah's day.  How many times have we taken the preacher's word for it and not studied our Bibles for ourselves?  How many times have we partaken in a holiday that has a pagan origin, because we have always done so?  It is a tradition, and we aren't heathens after all.  If everyone else in my church is doing it, then it must be okay.  We are all so busy that it is all we can do to fit our church service in.  Who has time to read their Bible for themselves, and do all that extra studying?   You owe it to yourself to say a simple prayer this week, and ask the Father if there is anything that you are doing that makes him unhappy.  I did this last week, and he told me there was something.  Ask him about the holidays, and if he wants you to celebrate them?  Ask him if you are to keep the Sabbath holy, and ask him when it is?  After all, when we don't let him be God and we take someone else's word for it, even when you just aren't sure about it, then we may be letting someone else take his job.  You are just following the customs of the day, just like in the book of Jeremiah and Isaiah?  You know in the book of Jeremiah they were actually sacrificing their children to false idols.  That same spirit is still at work today in our country.  As a matter of fact, I am surprised that Yah hasn't already destroyed this country for that fact alone.  We are slowly returning back to a Sodom and Gomorrah generation with cloning, and gay pride and all the transgender stuff going on.  What is next?  Is it marrying your children?  Is it anything goes?  To lift up a standard means, that you have to have one first.  Where do you get your standard?  Well, for years it has been the Word and the Commandments.  These things teach us how to be pleasing to Yah.  They give us something tangible to pass on to our children.  Our word shows us who Yah Is.  In order to have a God, you have to know him and know how to please him.  I used to be a Catholic, and Yah showed me while I was in that church, that I needed the Holy Spirit.  I received it in my own home, on a prayer line.  I really didn't know a lot about the spirit at that time, but he wanted me to have it.  I felt his spirit within me, and not just head knowledge.  I felt his presence and was filled with incredible joy, and peace and love.  Those are qualities of Yah and not the devil, and that is how I know I didn't have a Kundalini Spirit.  I know there are many pastors that are saying that the Holy Spirit is a false spirit.  I think you should be very careful about who you let lay hand on you for sure because some of these pastors do have bad things in them.  Most of the time it is pride and greed.  I am glad that no one laid hands on me when I got it.  It just fell, like on the day of Pentecost.   The church is within you folks if you have his Holy Spirit.  Before long, you won't be able to go to many churches, because they are going to be taken over by the One World Government, and the One World Religion.  If you don't believe me, then ask the Father.  Real churches will be hidden, and not like they are now.  You need to know that if you have his Spirit, you have all you need to do the works of Yah.  If you can't get to your preacher, you need to know that God is within you.  You are his hands and feet!   Sit down, make a list of all your questions for Yah.  Be real with him, and have him show you what is real and what is not.  He will make your religion come alive with a relationship with him.  You will find that like me, you have a lot of stuff wrong.  What is most important though, is to get it right before it is too late.  The Father has big plans for some of you.  In the end-time harvest you will do great miracles, signs, and wonders, so get ready.  Let's get to know him more... Please read the book of Isaiah here.  Remember that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  What made him mad then, will still make him mad today.   Kiss the Son lest he is angry...
I wanted to share a painting in my Bible with you too.  I have been into painting fall scenes lately.  I love all the gorgeous colors of the autumn season.  So beautiful!  This simple painting made me think of the changing seasons and how quickly they come and go.  Just like the people in the book of Isaiah and Jeremiah, there came a time when the warnings stopped and the war came.  What was once a stunning place to worship and live in, was desolate.  With today's weapons, it wouldn't take long to wipe out a country.   We see through scriptures that the Father often uses enemies as his sword against places that aren't pleasing to him.  When we look at how many times he gave his people chance after chance to get rid of their idols and unrighteousness, I know that he truly is a merciful and loving Father, ready to forgive and make things right. For a more in-depth study of the book of Isaiah, you can watch Parable Of  The Vineyard.   Isaiah's Hidden Message for YOU.  If you aren't saved please check out my Salvation Posts!  Also please check out Paul Begley's video about Rome setting up an idol that is to a god that is known for child sacrifice, just like in the days of the book of Isaiah and Jeremiah here.

For More about Jeremiah please check out the video below.
