
Most people have had some knowledge of the Passover in the Bible.  This is when the death angel passed over the houses of his people that had the blood of the lamb on them.  To read the full bible story about all the plaques that were poured out upon Pharoah and his people because they wouldn't release them from slavery, and why they put the blood of a lamb on their houses is here.  My question to you would be, have you had the blood applied to your life in baptism in this Passover season?  This story told us about how the Father protected his people; and made a distinction between who was his, and who was not.  It also pointed us to a time when the true lamb, our messiah, would have his blood spilled out to forgive us of our sins.  I am new to following the feasts, it has been very difficult to figure it all out.   The most confusing thing is that people follow different calendars.   I recently listened to an amazing video that I wanted to share with you here. and here.  Please pray to the Father for yourself and ask him to help you understand it all.  Remember if you make a mistake because you are new to celebrating the holy days, just repent and ask for the correct understanding.   The Feasts teach so many lessons about who our Father truly is and how much he cares for his people.  There are those that believe there will be an end-time exodus as well.  Could this be a time when he will move his people to places of safety during the tribulation period or are they talking about the greatest exodus of all which will happen during the rapture when we will meet our heavenly Father in the air?  If you would like to learn more about that, you can check it out here and here.
During the time of the Passover, we are told to not consume yeast.  I am going to include a website that you can check out called  These recipes can be prepared with your families. While they are made you can tell the story about the Passover and why we don't eat leaven during this time.  If you haven't heard teaching yet about the Sabbath I suggest you watch it here.  If you need to be saved you can find out about that here.  May the Father bless your home and keep the death angel far from you and yours.  More videos on Feast Days and the Sabbath.
                                  Sabbath or Sunday
                                  When does Sabbath Start
                                  Why we should keep the Sabbath
                                  The Sabbath and the mark of the beast
                                  Come and Rest
