The problem with Christmas.

The Problem With Christmas.

Christmas seems innocent enough with people giving to the less fortunate.  Lots of good food and family gatherings.  What could be wrong with people giving gifts and putting up pretty lights once a year?  What if you found out that the Father was not happy with this holiday?  Would you still celebrate it?  Have you ever prayed about it?  Find out the story about all those Christmas decorations and why we put those trinkets on the Christmas tree here.

I have posted information on my blog about this subject before.  This year I did not because I had a new grandbaby that was born.  My daughter needed lots of help because she had a c-section and was in a considerable amount of pain.  You can read my previous blog posts here and here.  I also ran across an excellent post from a youtube channel that I subscribe to that sums it all up perfectly.  Check that out here.

If you celebrate Christmas or any of the pagan holidays please pray about it.  Tell the Father that if you are wrong about celebrating this then please forgive you and show you the truth.  Ask him to open your eyes about this as well as the true names of the Father and the Son.  You can find out more about that here.
There is also more information on a website that I subscribe to here.
I know this is a lot of information but I think you will be glad when you find out the truth.
You can also find out how to be saved in all the links listed.
