Time to humble myself!

As a human, we really don't like to be wrong.  Many people of the faith especially, like to know things so they can spiritually beat people with the truth.  I love people, I love sinners because they need a savior.  When I started to learn that the people in my country are pretty much deceived in the doctrines that they are being taught I wanted to share the truth because of love, not because of money or wanting a name for myself or a big fancy church building, etc.  I want people to find the narrow way.  Recently I kept feeling like I still had something wrong in what I believe.  Not surprising because of all the stuff I had to wade through to find the answers I have found.  In the book of Revelation, I see the woman clothed in the sun as the church being deceived by sun worship.  You might think that is crazy, but where did the worship on Sunday come from?  Do you know?  I am not saying that to try to be a Pharisee, but to plant a seed in your heart.  Have you ever wondered why there are so many doctrines?  Why are there so many churches with so many ways to be saved?  Why do some people have their main worship and teaching day on Sunday and some on Saturday?  Why is everything so hard to figure out?  Where did worshiping on Sunday come from anyhow and if the truth lies in the beginning when our Savior was on the earth, then why shouldn't we go back to the beginning, the roots?  I apologize for anything I have shared that was wrong.  We all are trying to get to what is the truth.  Let me be more specific about what I am trying to share.  I recently came across a video that spoke of the Sabbath Day not being on Saturday.  I listened to the video and think it is worth your time to pray about.  I settled on the Sabbath being on Saturday because I studied some information that used the Enoch Calendar and the Equinox and lined it all up to Saturday.  I thought to myself, that is perfect because it all lines up with the Sabbath being on the seventh day, but in the back of my mind, I kept thinking that the Father's calendar is not the gregorian calendar. This is how far the deception goes.  Not only has the devil spent all these years trying to hide books that have been taken out of the Bible that have hidden truth in them.  He has tried to hide the Father's true name and he has made numerous versions of truth with so many types and translations of the Bible so people can't even understand what is really going on.  I am trying to make this as simple as I can but it is really not.  Let me just say this.  The Bible has been messed with.  The names have been messed with.  The day we are supposed to set apart for our heavenly Father has been messed with.  You have truth that has been stolen from you and you have the devil to thank for it.  People are not who we need to blame for the most part but the enemy of our souls.  I do know that there are wicked men that use the gospel to line their pockets for sure but I think for the most part people love the Father and want to be saved.  When I first started to search for the Father.  I just picked a church and started going there.  I thought that is what everyone did.  I just wanted to learn about Yahuah and how he wanted me to live.  When he pulled me out of that church and Baptized me with the Holy Spirit through a prayer line I realized that all churches weren't teaching the full truth.  I couldn't have gotten that gift in the church I was attending because they don't teach how to receive it.  Man didn't show me this but Yah showed me this.  Who is this Yahuah you might say?  Well, let me tell you where your savior was born.  He wasn't born to American parents.  His name wasn't Jesus when his disciples were with him.  The name was supposedly transliterated.  It was changed many times into different languages.  http://www.fossilizedcustoms.com/transliteration.html  Here is a lengthy article on the name and how it has been changed over the years.  Today my main focus is on the Sabbath.  I want you to do your own study and pray over this subject.  Don't just let someone tell you what to believe but search it out for yourself.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAh5vCz3Dr4&t=5s Here is a video that I want you to check out.  Love you all.  Blessing to you all.  Let Yah be your guide and be humble enough to say I was wrong.  Have a teachable spirit and he will lift you up.
