Dreams Early Morning Dec. 30


In the early morning of Dec 30th, I had two dreams.  In the first dream, someone that I used to go to school with was trying really hard to have physical relations with me if you know what I mean.  I turned and grabbed him and threw him over my knees and began to spank him.  Every time I spanked him I quoted the Bible Scripture about not touching the Father's anointed.  A lady and her husband came in while I was spanking him and I told her that it was okay that he was an acquaintance of mine.  The next dream was with an ex-family member.  He said I have my grandchild's sacrifice card.  I got the feeling that he was talking about her v-card.  Child sacrifice is what came to mind.  Take this to prayer.  Pray over your family members people.  If you have one once of faith in you I would use it right now.  Ask the Father to strengthen your faith in him.  If you would like to know how to do this I pray you would watch the video about the Holy Spirit.  When you pray in your spiritual language you increase your faith.  You also increase your faith by meditating on scripture that helps you to rely upon and trust in the Father.
I will leave blog posts below that can help you.
This is just a quick post because I have a new grandbaby to help with but I hope to make another one a little later. 
