What Is Really Going On With Ukraine?

What Is Really Going On With Ukraine?

Is there more than meets the eye with this current situation with Russia?  How will it affect us here in the US?

There have been many things recently that have been brought to my attention with Ukraine that honestly I didn't know.  The more I pray about it the more I find out.  There was an interesting post from the Prophecy Club that I want to bring to your attention.  You can take it all to prayer and come to your own conclusion.   This video shares some information that you might not know and how this conflict ties into the end time and the rise of the NWO.  He shares some insight about a famine that will be on the horizon so pay attention to that portion and pray about your families and what to do to prepare.  I also want to remind you in case you haven't watched any of my other stuff.  I had a dream about 10 or more years ago about nuclear war.  In this dream, I opened up my front door to see a nuclear mushroom cloud outside.  I began to cry so hard that it woke me up out of my dream and when I woke up I was actually crying.  The Father is NOT happy with America.  We need to repent for our Country.  I am not sure if the judgment can be stopped at this point.  I recently watched a stern video about America being Icabod.  I will post it as well so you can check it out.
