
A few days ago I was in prayer and I heard Caught In The Overflow.  I asked the Father what that meant.  This morning I felt like I got the message.  I have this plant sitting on a ledge.  This plant loves water and if it doesn't get enough it and looks kind of sad.  For a few days now this plant has been leaking water.  I keep wiping the water up around it but every time I turn around there it is again.  I felt I was being spoken to about this plant.  We are like this plant.  The more you put into it, the more your spiritual life will be seen by others.  When you daily spend time with the Lord on a regular basis and submerge yourself in the water of his word and keep your life filled to overflowing with the power of his holy spirit things are going to be affected around you.  People are going to see the Lord move on your situation and those around you because you have not stepped over into becoming the Fathers hands and feet.  There is a difference between claiming to be a Christian and walking in his anointing.  I once heard someone explain it this way.  The Father took him to a place and showed him what this is like.  He took him to a place where there was a group of sick people but when he went to lay his hand upon them he no longer saw his hands doing the work but the Fathers.  Have we stepped into that anointing?  The end-time anointing requires a letting go of yourself and letting the Father have access to your body for his purposes.  Does his spirit live within you?  Check out the post on the Holy Spirit here.  Have you asked the father what he wants you to do today or do you have your own personal agenda?  I am guilty of this as well.  Give yourself totally over to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to use you today but don't be surprised if he asks you to pray for a few hours or read your Bible every day or fast occasionally or do things that aren't always comfortable.  One of the hardest things for me lately is being in my house all the time.  My daughter has some health issues and so I stay home to take care of her.  The isolation has been hard on me and eating has become an issue because I am always around food.  When I work outside of the home I don't think about food as often but when I have to make food for other people I am thinking about it a lot more.  My age has its own battle with food cravings with my estrogen depleted body always wanting to eat bad stuff.  The point is that we all struggle with things and the Lord knows our weaknesses.  We should just be honest about them and spend time with the Lord and let him help us with them.  He already knows about them all anyhow.  Let's step into this greater anointing and let him use us in a greater way.  This is going to be my prayer this morning.  What can I do for you today Lord?  What do I need to do to be used in a greater way?  Let me be like that plant that is dripping with your Holy Spirit and your presence.  Let me be so full of you that people will visibly see that holy spirit dripping from my being.  God Bless
