The Great Commission!

Matthew 28:19 sums it all up.  We are all called to try to make new disciples.  We are all called to live life every day as a good example for our Father so that others would see your good works and want to be saved.  In my salvation post, it gives the basics of getting saved and what to tell others about getting saved.   Did you know that you could actually baptize people yourself?  You just need to be baptized in Yahusha's name and make sure you have repented before you get baptized.  When you come out of the water you will need to pray for the Holy Spirit.  Just ask the father for him to fill you.  If you ask him for it you will have it.  The problem usually occurs when people try to speak it out.  Sometimes they are uncomfortable around a lot of people and so a smaller group is usually better.  Also, if there is no one else to baptize you then baptize yourself.  Follow all the steps and when praying for the holy spirit just remember the best way to start speaking in tongues is to begin speaking.  I usually just speak out praises to the Lord over an over until he takes over my speach.   Easy Peasy!  You don't need to tarry for 60 years to get it.  If you have truly repented and you desire to be saved the Father is not going to deny you the Holy Spirit.  If you don't get it right away then simply ask the Father why.  It could be there is something that you need to get rid of.  Maybe God desires you to get out of the lifestyle you are accustom to or throw out your dirty magazines or something like that.  Now once you are saved and filled with the Spirit you are ready to go make disciples.  You will find a hard time finding a church that believes about Baptizing in the name of Yahusha and you will find a harder time finding a church that baptizes that way and keeps the Sabbath.  Almost all churches in the United States worship on Sunday and don't keep the Sabbath at all and teach that you don't have to.  So, we don't have to keep that commandment but we sure as heck better keep the rest of them. If you have the money maybe you should ask God if you can start a church in your area and have him lead you to a pastor who will Shepperd his flock.   Go figure and God bless.


