I watched an amazing spiritual warfare post on Saturday that I wanted to share. I love to lift up people who have put so much time and effort into videos like this because I know how much time it takes to make them. I was so blessed when I came to the Father. I had a sister that stuck right with me and prayed for me and mentored me for years. She helped me to be rooted in grounded while I developed a foundation and learned to trust in Yahuah and learn things like spiritual warfare. I pray for the Father to bless her and her family for all she did for me in those early years. She has been an amazing friend and has always loved the Father so much. We were talking on the phone about how important it is to be taught certain things after you are saved because the enemy tries to deceive. He walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The Good Sheppard, he is always trying to keep his sheep close to him because that bad old wolf is always trying to get at those who stray and don't know how to fight off attacks from the enemy. David learned how to use his weapons when the lions and the wolves came to get his sheep and he learned to have confidence in the Father when he was in a fight. He knew from his comment to Goliath that the battle was never his but Yahuahs. Spiritual warfare teaching on the different parts of our weapons is vital for any Christian. The Spiritual Warfare Video is here. I try to put on each piece of armor in prayer every day because it helps me to remember what each one is and how they work. The Helmet of Salvation protects our minds from the enemy's attacks. The enemy will try to interject thoughts into your mind. If you are having bad thoughts and you have been saved then you just bind them and command them to leave. If you haven't been saved then please check out my post on that. If it is hateful stuff then bind the spirit of hate. If you are having perverted thoughts then bind every perverse and lustful spirit. If it is depression then you bind every spirit of depression that is trying to steal your joy and energy. When you bind something you need to lose the opposite. The Bible says whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Your sword is the word. It is used against the lies of the enemy. This is why it is so important to read and study the word. The devil knows his word for sure and believes me he will try to use it against you and mix you up just like in the garden with eve. He doesn't play fair and he is a master deceiver. Know Your Bible. Your shield is your faith and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. Once again know your word. Consume it like air...Your breastplate of righteousness. This is living a life that is pleasing before the Father. If you mess up then repent immediately. Don't give the enemy a foothold in your life or an open door to attack you. Stay away from things that will give him access to you and your family. Shut the dang door on him. How do you open a door to the enemy? Sin. If you look at porno, you have opened a door to a spirit of lust. If you have lied, you have opened a door to a lying devil. You get the picture.
Ask the Father to show you your open doors. The next thing is to have your loins girded with truth. Once again the truth is the word and your feet shod with the gospel of peace. The gospel is of importance because without the gospel how can you believe or share the good news with others. If you want a good way to share the truth then write the salvation scriptures in the Bible and a story of the gospel in the front of a Bible and give it to someone who needs to be saved. You can get Bibles for a dollar at the dollar store. You can even start a blog and make some business cards and share them with people you come into contact with. Remember you need to be Baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. You can check out my post on my blog. Take up your weapons today for the weapons of our warfare today are not carnal but they are mighty to the pulling down of every stronghold. If you want a good book on spiritual warfare I would suggest prayers that rout demons. Here is an amazing testimony on spiritual warfare. It doesn't use the true Hebrew names but I didn't always use them either. Check out my videos about the name here, and about the Sabbath here, and about salvation here. Check out this video about an amazing testimony here. Be Blessed.
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