I Know The Plans I Have For You


       Bible Journaling is something that I do on a regular basis.  Occasionally, I suffer from stress and anxiety and journaling seems to put my mind at ease, and brings my focus back onto spiritual things.    If you are suffering from stress, then you might want to give it a try.  When I came upon the story of Rebekah this week I remembered a lovely picture that I had seen on the internet.  I will leave the post so you can check it out here  This picture almost seemed like a girl from the back who was standing over a well, getting ready to retrieve water for her animals.  That is why I choose this particular picture along with a picture of a well.  Rebekah was at a well, drawing water on just an average day when a stranger happened to be there.  This stranger had been sent to change her life forever, and connect her with the love of her life. The scripture that I put with this picture is Jeremiah 29:11. This scripture speaks about how our Father has a plan for our lives, just like he had a perfect plan for Rebekah and Isaac that day.


     This Story is of Abraham, and how he wanted the perfect wife for his son Isaac.  He included Yahwah in his plans and sent his servant with a special prayer to find a wife for his beloved son from his own people.  You can read the full story here in Genesis 24.  Abraham tells his servant that the angel of Yahwah would go before him and make his plans successful.  His servant went to the area where Abraham had been from.  He came upon a well about the time of day when women go out to draw water for their households and their animals.  He prayed that Yahwah would give him a sign to know who the right person for Isaac would be.  He received the exact sign he asked for and that is how he knew that he had the right person for his master's son.  How amazing that our Father cares about every aspect of our lives and he wants to be included in them.  My story was about praying to change my attendance at a particular church.  I had felt uneasy about going to this church and felt that maybe Yahwah was leading me in a different direction and so I began to pray about it.  I also prayed for a particular sign as Abraham's servant did for success for his adventure.  I received the exact sign I had prayed for to my surprise and therefore had perfect peace when Yahwah moved me from one church body to another.  I hope this story helps you in some way in your life right now.   Like Abraham's master, if you include Yahwah in your plans and your life, then he will help you make the right choices and have his perfect peace in all you do.  Peace of mind is a precious thing that doesn't happen naturally all the time but is a product of walking with our Father in the plans he has for us.  It is an everyday choice to fill your spirit up with him and walk with him throughout your day.  It is a choice to include him in the things you do and ask his advice on major decisions in your life.  Stress tends to happen to me when I start taking my eyes off of my Father and putting them on my problems.  We all have things we deal with, but walking through those problems with peace is knowing that we have given them to Yahwah in prayer and we know that he will work all things out for our good and direct our steps.   When we pray through our problems HE is the one who gives our heart perfect peace.  The enemy loves to throw us off balance and get our minds in the wrong direction so it is important to keep Yahwah in mind in all you do.   Often I will meditate on scripture.  I roll it over and over again in my mind.  I call it chewing on it and letting it seep into my very being.  Hide it in your heart and let it become a part of you.  This will build your faith and the next time the enemy brings something at you to make you worry, you have this scripture in you that can be used to erase the devils lies. I hope you include our Father in your plans and I hope you have made him your Savior.  If you haven't then please ask him into your life and please check out my salvation post.  If you have never received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit then you can read more about that here.  Please pray and ask Yahwah to direct your steps and lead you in salvation.  Many 

Deanna Leonard
Caravan Classes
Voice: 765-557-1969
