Idol Worship in America

With the recent idol that was approved by the Vatican in Rome, it has me concerned about where we are as a country.   If you want to know more about this idol then please watch this.
Could our country be headed down the same path as Isreal in the books of Ezekial, Isaiah, and Jeremiah?  What were they doing that was so awful?  Let's take a look, shall we?  Let's check out Ezekial 6 here.  Basically, Yah is telling them that he is about to bring war upon them because of idolatry.  He says he will lay their corpses in front of there idols and scatter their bones.  He tells them that disaster after disaster is headed their way for all their detestable sins.  He even tells them that buyers should not rejoice over bargains nor sellers grieve over losses, for all will fall under my terrible anger.  Even if the merchants survive, they will never return to their business.  In Ezekial 9 you can read about a man with a writer's case at his side.  He is told to go through the land and mark on the forehead, those who weep and cry for all the terrible sins that were being committed.  All who didn't have the mark were slaughtered.  Ezekial falls on his face and begins to cry out because he is afraid Yah is going to kill everyone.  Yah tells him that the entire land is filled with murder and injustice and they are saying that Yah doesn't see it.  Are we headed down the same path?   Let's find out by watching these videos here and here.   Why should we be concerned with this, after all, this is not Rome.  Well, let me show you a few more videos.  WATCH THIS!  WATCH THIS! and WATCH THIS!  Now how do you feel?
Do you see a little more clearly?  We are all guilty from time to time of putting things before God.  Sometimes we don't give Yah any time at all but we will sit at a football game for hours or shop until we have no money left but we don't pay our tithes.  We all have sinned and fallen short at times.  We must all pray for forgiveness for not including him in our everyday lives.  For not thanking him for his blessings every day and for not living in a manner that is pleasing to him. We all must repent for turning away from him and letting our lives be filled with things that aren't pleasing to him and not let him be included.  Are we headed to bowing down to these worthless idols though?  Well, the Bible says that we will in the book of Rev. chapter 13.   If you read this chapter you will find out about the antichrist who has the head wound by a sword.  It seems that he will be brought back to life by the devil and given great power by him.  The false prophet will do lying signs and wonders and will even be able to call fire from heaven to deceive people.  He will cause a false idol in the image of the antichrist to be erected that can actually talk folks.  If you don't worship it you will be put to death. Now, this sounds like a bunch of hokus pokus doesn't it?  Crazy stuff huh!  Who are these leaders that would allow such nonsense?  If you are interested in more information on our leaders and why they are involved in this kind of malarky read more right here.  If your name is not written in the lamb's book of life you will take the mark of the beast.  Read my salvation post here.  Holy Ghost post here.
