5 tips to endure to the end.

5 tips to endure to the end.

People are beginning to realize that easy street is over.  Things are changing very rapidly.  Prices are going up.  Some have lost their jobs due to covid.  Some have lost their jobs because they won't take the jab.  Faith to move mountains is what is needed.  How do we get that faith?  How can we endure?

No. 1
Pray first thing in the morning because those who seek the Father early will find him.  Read the Scripture here.

No. 2
Spend more time in the word because Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word.  Read the Scripture here.

No. 3
Try to incorporate Fasting.

No. 4
Find a prayer partner or group
You have more power in bigger numbers.

No. 5
Ask the Father to give you more Faith.

What is the Big Picture?

Now that you know how to endure and increase your Faith.  
You might be asking what is the big picture right?  What is really going on?
Well, I am pretty sure you have figured out that they are sitting up a New World Order.
Soon we will see who the antichrist truly is.
We are in a time right now that I would pray about as much as you can.  Pray about every drug you take.  Pray about every doctor visit.  Pray about all things.  Remember the Bible says to pray continually, pray without ceasing and pray that you enter not into temptation.

Finally, always remember this.

This World is not my home for sure.  I am just passing through.  My home lies somewhere way beyond the blue.  Please remember this.  We are only here for a little while.  I have been reading stories in my Bible to help me remember that it isn't always a bed of roses when we live for the Father.  Saints before us went through tough times.  The Book of Revelation says that those that endure to the very end shall be saved.  We must go through many trials and tests to be brought forth pure as gold.  Don't give up.  I have to encourage myself daily and I hope you do as well.  Find stories that inspire you and motivate you to endure.
If you think you have it bad, read the book of Job again.  How many of us could endure what he went through?

I am ready to go home.  I am not in love with this world.  Too many heartaches here.  Too much sickness.
Too much evil and pain.  

Here are some posts on Vaccine Injuries.  Please seek the Father about this.

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