Dreams and Visions


I have been praying about a blog post.  I had something in mind but it takes doing some research on my part.  I kept thinking about a dream I had a while back today and so I thought I would share.  I don't claim to be anyone special but it does say in the book of Joel that in the last days he would pour his spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.  You can read it yourself here.  So the particular dream I want to share with you is one that I have been thinking the most about lately.  I have probably been thinking about it because of the Deal of the Century that is being spoken of recently.  There is a prophecy about the dividing of God's land and it is in my blog post here and here. It is important that you check this out and pray about it yourself because I think it might affect this area.  The area that I was located at in the dream was an apartment in Carmel, Indiana where I was babysitting.  In this dream, the water was all the way up to the second-story apartment. I am unsure of the elevation of the different areas, but if Carmel is a higher elevation then most of the areas around here, then some of the homes are going to be in trouble. 

You can take all this to the Lord but we definitely know that this Deal is eventually going to happen.  We all need to ask God what we are to do in this end time for ourselves and our families.  It only takes a short prayer to the Lord and it could save your whole families lives.  He could tell you to prepare and store up some things for the days ahead.  He did this in the days of Joseph when there was a famine in the land and you can read that here.  He also did this in the days of Noah when he told him to prepare an ark and store up provisions for him and his family when the disaster struck and you can read that here. 

I also had a terrible dream many years ago about nuclear war.  In this dream, I opened my front door and I could see the mushroom cloud.  These particular dreams make me think that these things are going to affect my area.  Please take all this into prayer.  Keep your families especially in your prayers.  If you haven't been saved then please do so now and don't wait.   You can check out my testimony about how I actually got saved in my testimony post here and my salvation post here. If you need the holy spirit then please check this post.  Please pray about a church to attend.  God might just lead you to an online ministry or tell you to start a homegroup.  I feel that things are going to begin to head in that direction as the enemy begins to filtrate the churches and persecute in the late days.  I feel like God is wanting his church to be more active in the home setting more than in these fancy churches that pastors can't pay for. 

There was another dream that I had.  This dream I was walking to a job and there was a huge earthquake.  It shook so hard I thought I would fall down but I didn't, I kept on walking.  This appeared to be in this area.  I had a vision years ago of a huge flaming asteroid in the sky.  Is God trying to tell me something?  I think so!  Now let me show you what I think.  Take a look at this

and this and this. God bless.




