The Lesson of the Fig Tree

Father says in the book of Matthew 24:32 that when the fig tree buds and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near.  He says in the same way you see these signs with this tree, know that his return is very near.  We may not know the exact day or hour, but we will not be left in the dark.  We are children of the light.  We have the light of the word to illuminate our path.  He says in chapter 24 of  Matthew and in verse 39 that the people of Noah's age didn't realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away.  He says this is how it will be in the last days as well.  Most people won't be prepared but his children will be watching and waiting for his return.  They search the scriptures, they prepare their hearts and they pray for truth.  In verse 42 you can see how you need to keep watch as well.  If the burglar is coming to break into your home and you know about it, you would never allow the thief into your home, you would be prepared.  God says he will come back when we least expect him.  I would like to caution you if you are a Christian who only hears the word when you are at church and the rest of your week is filled with the world.  Let me tell you that this is not how our Father wants you to live.  This is how a majority of Americans are, but let me tell you, that you will still struggle with so much.  You will have problems in doubt and besetting sins and unclean thoughts and all sorts of stuff.  Just because you are in church doesn't mean you shouldn't spend time with God.  Being prepared means keeping your lamp full.  I want to share something with you.  I listened to a video about how we need to step up our time with the Lord because things were going to start getting harder and only those who were strong to endure were going to make it in.  He said those that followed his advice would get a visitation by an angel.  I will show you the picture of the angel that showed up for stepping up my prayer life at the bottom of this post.   Please follow my advice and just pray these things today.  Ask God if there is something else you need to do to make heaven your home.  You might need to repent over something or it might be baptism or getting out of a particular place of sin or whatever.  Ask him to help you make time for him in the morning in prayer and reading his word because it says that those that seek me early shall find me.  Make it a point to include him in your day no matter what you are doing.  It might be just taking 5 minutes while your working and thanking him for things throughout your day, or asking him to help you accomplish tasks, or ask him for direction about things that come your way.  This way you are walking with the Lord.  You have invited him into your day and into your life.  When I was in Florida he spoke to me and said that these people have no time for me.  It must make him extremely sad that his people make no time for him and yet he gave his life up for them.  Here is the Bible art that I want to include with this because of that fact right there.  This is a painting I did when I was first starting art because I love waterfalls and I had never drawn one before.  After I finished it, I noticed something that amazed me.  It kind of looked like God with a robe on, the sun is his face and the waterfall could maybe be tears here. Wow,  maybe he is crying over all the people that he knows are not going to make it.  Please make time for him and he will make time for you.  Read Matthew 25 about the bridesmaid.  Keep watch and learn the lesson of the fig tree.  Check out my video about salvation here.  My video about the holy ghost here.  The end time timeline here and so on.  God bless you all.
